Facial Implants: Enhancing Your Natural Beauty

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At Beverly Hills Hair Restoration, experience the transformative power of facial implants. Enhance your natural beauty and achieve harmonious facial contours with our personalized treatments.

Facial implants have become increasingly popular in cosmetic surgery, allowing individuals to enhance their natural features and achieve a more harmonious facial profile. At Beverly Hills Hair Restoration, we understand the importance of feeling confident in your appearance, which is why we offer comprehensive services tailored to meet your aesthetic goals.

What are facial implants?

Facial implants are synthetic materials designed to augment or enhance certain facial features. They are typically made from medical-grade silicone or other biocompatible materials and can be customized to achieve the desired outcome.

Benefits of Facial Implants

Facial implants offer a range of benefits for individuals looking to improve their appearance and boost their confidence.

Enhancing facial contours

One of the primary benefits of facial implants is their ability to enhance facial contours, providing definition and symmetry to areas such as the cheeks, chin, and jawline. Individuals can achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance by augmenting these features.

Correcting facial asymmetry

Facial asymmetry is a common concern for many individuals, affecting the overall harmony of the face. Hair transplant scars can help correct asymmetrical features, restoring balance and proportion to the face for a more symmetrical and attractive look.

Procedure Overview

The process of undergoing facial implant surgery typically involves several key steps.


The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. During this initial meeting, the surgeon will assess the patient's concerns, discuss their aesthetic goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.


The surgical procedure can be performed once the treatment plan has been finalized. Facial implant surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves making small incisions in discreet locations to insert the implants. The surgeon will then carefully position the implants to achieve the desired outcome before closing the incisions.


After surgery, patients must undergo a recovery period to allow for proper healing. This may involve temporary swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication and cold compresses. Most patients can expect to resume their normal activities within a few weeks, although strenuous exercise and physical exertion should be avoided during the initial stages of recovery.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

Selecting a skilled and experienced surgeon is crucial to achieving optimal results with facial implant surgery.

Experience and credentials

When choosing a surgeon, it's essential to consider their experience and credentials in performing facial implant procedures. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with a proven track record of success and a commitment to patient safety and satisfaction.

Before-and-after photos

Reviewing before-and-after photos of previous patients can provide valuable insight into the surgeon's skill and expertise. Take the time to scrutinize these images and look for results that align with your aesthetic goals.

Shifting or displacement

Facial implants may sometimes shift or become displaced over time, leading to asymmetry or an unnatural appearance. To reduce the risk of this occurring, it is crucial to choose an experienced surgeon who can position the implants correctly during surgery.

Cost Considerations

The cost of facial implant surgery can vary depending on several factors.

Factors influencing cost

The cost of facial implant surgery may be influenced by factors such as the type and size of the implants, the surgeon's fees, anesthesia fees, facility fees, and any additional medications or post-operative care supplies.

Financing options

At Beverly Hills Hair Restoration, we understand that cost can be a significant consideration for many patients. That's why we offer a range of financing options to help make treatment more accessible and affordable. Our team can work with you to explore financing solutions that align with your budget and goals.


Facial implants offer a safe and effective way to enhance natural beauty and achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial profile. By partnering with a skilled and experienced surgeon, you can enjoy long-lasting results that improve your confidence and self-esteem. 

Read More: What is fut hair transplant? Benefits of FUT Hair Transplant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are facial implants permanent?

Facial implants are designed to be long-lasting but are not considered permanent. Over time, they may naturally integrate with the surrounding tissues, providing lasting results.

Can facial implants be removed?

Yes, facial implants can be removed if desired. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and ensure safe removal of the implants.

How long is the recovery period?

The recovery period following facial implant surgery typically lasts a few weeks. Patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort during this time, which can be managed with appropriate care and medication.

Are there any alternative treatments?

In addition to facial implants, alternative treatments are available to enhance facial contours, such as dermal fillers or fat grafting. These non-surgical options may be suitable for individuals looking for less invasive alternatives to traditional surgery.

What are the most common types of facial implants?

The most common facial implant types include chin, cheek, and jaw implants. These implants can be customized to address specific concerns and achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.
